sovereign fruits 22
somnambule 01
vertical pools 01
drama queens 001
bathers 01 hotshoe cover
the fremd installation view Künstlerverein Malkasten Düsseldorf 2001 b
the fremd STIER
Hierogamos 152a
Hierogamos installation view Eglise de Pondaurat, Sud-Gironde, France 2006
the fremd ANZUG
drama queens 066
butterflies installation view Gallery van Kranendonk 2011 a
butterflies 02
bathers 21
bathers installation view Gallery Poller Frankfurt 2004
l-scapes 001
the fremd RELIEF
papillons Augenspanner
somnambule 08
placebo / human factor installation view Galerie Nei Licht, Luxemburg 2003 a